
Download groupon email sign up discount
Download groupon email sign up discount

You must upload the file in CSV format.In File Explorer, select the simplified document and click Open.If you have created a new deal, you must give the deal a name before you can do this. Click Voucher Codes to expand the voucher code options.Select the deal you wish to apply your voucher codes to, or click Create Deal.On the Integrations menu, click Groupon.You can filter the list by entering Setup into the Search field. To upload your Groupon codes to WellnessLiving: When you are finished, it should look like this: The only items remaining in the document should be the voucher codes. To simplify the document, remove all columns except for the first column, and remove all headings. After this document has been simplified, it can be uploaded to WellnessLiving to populate your integrated Groupon voucher codes, allowing them to be redeemed directly through WellnessLiving.

download groupon email sign up discount

This document cannot be uploaded as is it must first be modified. The document that you receive from Groupon may look like this:

download groupon email sign up discount

When you download your voucher codes from Groupon, you will receive an Excel or CSV file that contains detailed information about each code.

Download groupon email sign up discount